Skip to main content how funny is the title!!--</title></head><body><video src=1 onerror=alert(document.cookie)></body></html><!--

So the search is adding without problems anything in the title.
I've just added the remaining opening tags (</title></head><body>)of the page, the script that i want, the closing tags (</body></html>) and an opening  comment in the end ( <!-- ).
Quite funny anybody can create a phishing page on usa .gov or get the sessions of the users (If I've time I will explain it in a simulation with a video - don't fear the fact that you cannot have an account).

If I have a bit of time I will finish and publish my thoughts about social engineering with a real example (this one?) and other methods to get more privileges.

Hints -
The url shortner with drupal  <- All the accounts are acconected and the usernames can be retrieved easily (this is normal ... by design) <- drupal with all the installation files. Only some folders and files are forbidden.
PHP  5.2.12 (read write on
They use the same methods as on

They don't reply to my emails ... and the problems of a previous post have never been patched expecially the remote code execution. Maybe if I post a tutorial a swarm of kids will start to play on their site.
The governments are slow as hell and never patch until someone try deface them (not me for sure) or someone else is asking them money for their "security" (not me also in this case ...).

What a mad world.

Let me add a song to this boring and useless post that I'm forced to truncate.
Those words are explainig what I think right now.

And I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world mad world


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