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AMD PCNET Family PCI Ethernet Adapter - Windows XP, 2003 Drivers

It could happen that you cannot find the drivers (AMD PCNET Family PCI Ethernet Adapter - not installed) of the ethernet (nic) adapter that is used in  virtualbox.


I've found also this link but I was unable to see a working download.

Since the links to the amd websites are failing and it seems that they canno be found website I'm adding a new link.

Here you can download the  Drivers AMD PCNET for Virtualbox

They have been tested with Windows XP 32bit  and Virtualbox 4.2.0 r80737 .
After a bit of time I've tested them with Windows 7 pro 32bit (a slim version) and they work.
They also work on Windows 2003 R2 (thanks to David Acosta).

If you have a direct link to the AMD website or any other good information just add it in the comments.


  1. Mr. Very Very Nice post!!! if you update the Driver on Windows 2003 R2 Really Works!!
    Thank you so much!!!

  2. Love it.
    Work on my win 7 virtual machine.
    V-box ver 5.0.20-106931-Win


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