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Opencart - SQL to Delete customers of a specifi Users Group and move all the customers to the 1st users group

In this example we delete all the customers of the group with ID 3 and move all the other customers to the first group

DELETE FROM oc_customer_activity WHERE customer_id IN (
 SELECT oc_customer.customer_id  FROM `oc_customer` where customer_group_id != 3

DELETE FROM oc_customer_history WHERE customer_id IN (
 SELECT oc_customer.customer_id  FROM `oc_customer` where customer_group_id != 3

DELETE FROM oc_customer_ip WHERE customer_id IN (
 SELECT oc_customer.customer_id  FROM `oc_customer` where customer_group_id != 3

DELETE FROM oc_customer_online WHERE customer_id IN (
 SELECT oc_customer.customer_id  FROM `oc_customer` where customer_group_id != 3

DELETE FROM oc_customer_reward WHERE customer_id IN (
 SELECT oc_customer.customer_id  FROM `oc_customer` where customer_group_id != 3

DELETE FROM oc_customer_transaction WHERE customer_id IN (
 SELECT oc_customer.customer_id  FROM `oc_customer` where customer_group_id != 3

DELETE FROM oc_address WHERE customer_id IN (
 SELECT oc_customer.customer_id  FROM `oc_customer` where customer_group_id != 3

DELETE FROM oc_customer WHERE customer_group_id != 3;

/*moving all the users to the 1st customer_group_id 1 */
UPDATE `oc_customer` SET `customer_group_id` = '1'


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