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[FIX] Opencart leak of database information on database connection error

Opencart have a serious leak of database informations when there's a database connection error.

The fix/workaround can be downloaded here

Is it a problem?

With a simple script I got ~800.000 results and I've been able to scrap more than ~30.000 (in hours due to google limitations) and dumped more than 500 complete databases (those without restrictions from remote connections).
From accessing the db several things can be done, even writing files, replacing informations (ex. malicious scripts, the paypal account, etc), getting more rights, etc.

I just proved that it can be done and nothing else.


You can add the domain TLD to have more results from google. I even found some important websites.

something like that\library\db.php(31):+DB\MySQLi->__construct(

I took the first results from my search (and replaced the passwords):

'', 'Sql1428497', '####',...


'localhost', 'lzvmcffn_opencv...',  '####', ...


'sql616.your-ser...', 'mconsulting',  '####', ...

NOTE: I didn't (mis)use any information. The current post is meant to understand the problem and to give you a simple solution. I'm not interested in other people data and I wouldn't use it even if I possibly have interests in it.


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