A new version of Firefox Portable Webtools is available! https://sourceforge.net/projects/firefoxwebtools/ ------------------------------------- FirefoxPortableWebTools- ------------------------------------- Firefox updated to the version 3.6.14 Reduced the size of the whole package Added BlackStratini 2.1 Template (removed other templates) Restored the lost Bookmarks Some fancy graphic modifications Greasemonkey scripts moved in a standalone package Some garbage files removed Installed Shockwave for Director Plugin np32dsw.dll - (usually it can be found in C:\WINDOWS\system32\Adobe\Director) Installed Adobe Flash Plugin NPSWF32.dll - (usually it can be found in C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash) Updated Plugins abcTajpu (1.6.9) Autofill Forms ( DOM Inspector (2.0.9) Domain Details (2.6.9) Firebug (1.6.2) Firecookie (1.1.1) FirePHP (0.5.0) FireQuery (0.9) FireRainbow (1.2) FoxyProxy Standard (2.22.5) Greasemonkey (0....