-Data leak- http://kutuphane.tuik.gov.tr/yordambt/liste.php?-skip=0&-atla=0&-sayfa=01&Alan3=&Alan5=&anatur=&bolum=&alttur=&sekil=&ortam=&dil=&yayintarihi=&kgt=&gorsel=&kurumyayini=&cAlanlar=pollo&aa=eseradi&-max=16&universite=&enstitu=&anabilimdali=&bilimdali=&sureliilkharf=&sure=&biryil=&birdergitrh=&birsayi=&biricindekiler= we can see the full path within the errors -> C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\yordambt ex file: _dil.php | index.php | liste.php | _yardim.php | arama.php | anasayfa.php | url.php After getting access through a lfi it's possible to see that we are on a (windows) box with the default configuration, with the permissions for -everybody- in some important folders. It's possible to operate quite like an administrator with a simple -webshell- script There are some shared folders without password on other boxes ------ The scripts available from the web...