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Showing posts from September, 2014

load an sql file in a sqlite database from command line | SQLite command line

Download the sqlite CLI from the website sqlite command line for windows sqlite command line for windows phone 8 sqlite command line for Linux sqlite command line for Mac OS X (x86) and just run sqlite3.exe -init yoursqlfile.sql yourdatabasename.db load an sql file in a sqlite database from command line with macos. load an sql file in a sqlite database from command line - windows XP. load an sql file in a sqlite database from command line - windows vista. load an sql file in a sqlite database from command line - windows 7. load an sql file in a sqlite database from command line - windows 8. load an sql file in a sqlite database from command line - Linux. XSS

 XSS[XSS] funny XSS In the search engine add a word that is for sure in the database and an "or" so that you will get for sure a result notizie or <script>alert(123);</script> _______________________________________________________ sql injection to activate the subscription without paying (with a fake telephone number)

Fix Outlook asking for IE5setup.exe

 Download and run this reg file and everything should be fix Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C}] "IsInstalled"=dword:00000001 "Dontask"=dword:00000002 "Locale"="*" "ComponentID"="MailNews" "CloneUser"=dword:00000001 "StubPath"=hex(2):22,00,25,00,50,00,72,00,6f,00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6d,00,46,00,\ 69,00,6c,00,65,00,73,00,25,00,5c,00,57,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,\ 00,20,00,4d,00,61,00,69,00,6c,00,5c,00,57,00,69,00,6e,00,4d,00,61,00,69,00,\ 6c,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,22,00,20,00,4f,00,43,00,49,00,6e,00,73,00,74,\ 00,61,00,6c,00,6c,00,55,00,73,00,65,00,72,00,43,00,6f,00,6e,00,66,00,69,00,\ 67,00,4f,00,45,00,00,00 "Version"="6,1,7601,17514" @="Microsoft Windows" Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Outlook requires Microsoft Outlook Expres...