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Showing posts from January, 2015

pear Fatal error: Class 'PEAR' not found | use pear with uniserverz uniform server zero

Download the fixed go-pear and just use it if you need to fix only the "Class 'PEAR' error". If you want to use pear with uniform server download the file and uncompress it in the folder C:\UniServerZ\home\us_pear start Apache and Mysql go to the url http://localhost/us_pear and follow the installation process as usual Possible Error: Fatal error: Class 'PEAR' not found in /uniserverz/us_pear/go-pear.php on line 697 FIX - replace the urls of $bootstrap_files within the go-pear.php: $bootstrap_files = array(     'PEAR5.php'            => '',     'PEAR.php'             => '',     'Archive/Tar.php'      => '

phpMyAdmin Pre-populating the username field with strange characters

 phpMyAdmin is using strange characters in the login area Why? Probably there are two phpmyadmin installations/folders on the same server/Web address. The browser is using the wrong encrypted cookie that is unreadable from another phpmyadmin. Solution: Remove the data from the browser's cache/cookies and from the text areas (stored logins/passwords?). If possible Remove all the unneeded installations. Login Again in the main installation of phpmyadmin. This usually happen when you are on a server that seems to not have a phpmyadmin available and you try to upload a new one in the ftp since you cannot find a phpmyadmin folder. If you cannot find the other installations of phpmyadmin just try those are the most common paths