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Showing posts from April, 2015

The easiest way to validate an email address in php and html

 The easiest way to validate an email address in php and html <?php if (filter_var('', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) { echo ' wrong email'; } ?> via html just use the type "email" for your input and the browser will do the rest if you don't have particular needs. Required will make your input mandatory.   <input type="email" name="email" required> Never use only client side validations/checks.

Call to undefined method Mage_Core_Model_Config::cleanCache app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/App.php on line 1088

 Call to undefined method Mage_Core_Model_Config::cleanCache app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/App.php on line 1088 If you have a very old version of magento and/or you have lost files or you've updated only the library this error can happen (as happened to me). Add this code     /**     * Configuration cache clean process     *     * @return Mage_Core_Model_Config     */     public function cleanCache()     {         return $this->reinit();     }     in app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Config.php. after the function reinit() - around line 600 in magento 1.3.1 References

Magento folders that must be writeable - magento files permissions - chmod magento folders.

Magento folders that must be writeable - chmod magento folders. The folders/files that must be  writeable (chmod 777 with subfolders) in magento are: /yourrootfolder/var/ used by magento for the cache, reports, logs /yourrootfolder/media/ used by magento for the images /yourrootfolder/app/etc/ ONLY for OLDER magento version prior to 1.4 to update use_cache.ser only (afaik).

Fix c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc not resolving hosts to ip address.

Fix c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc not resolving hosts to ip address. Before starting make sure that you have already modified correctly your %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file Verify that the path is your registry is pointing to the correct path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\DataBasePath The default value should be %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc Check that you are resolving correctly by using the ping command, it will show the resolved ip address even if unable to ping. Don't use nslookup since it seems to ignore the hosts file by default. Run (theorically useless ... but who knows) this command to flush the nameservers ipconfig /flushdns If you are using a browser remember to clear all your cache. Verify that the hosts file have no extensions, just "hosts". Make sure that there are no special characters inside the file. If it's a system issue run sfc /scannow Another possibility is...

Get the ID of latest updated rows and automatically update latest modification timestamp

If you want to get the IDs of the latest updated rows it during a query you can do something like that SET @updatedrows := null; /*we will store here the IDs*/ UPDATE mytable SET coltoupdate = 'mycontent' WHERE myID > 5 AND (SELECT @updatedrows := CONCAT_WS(', ', myID, @updatedrows)); SELECT @updatedrows; /*shows the updated IDs*/ If the rows have already been updated via other queries that you are not aware of you, as far as I know, you must have a column (ex. lastmodified) in the database that must be updated each time that you do modifications. To have *automatic* modifications it's better to use the triggers, if supported by your mysql version. ( ) /*adding the lastmodified col to the table*/ ALTER TABLE mytable ADD lastmodified DATETIME NOT NULL; /*creating the trigger*/ CREATE TRIGGER updatelastmodified BEFORE UPDATE ON `mytable ` FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.lastmodified = NOW(); After ...

How to replace the definer Clause from Dump File Before migration in sql file dump

 How to Remove Definer Clause from Dump File Before Migrating a MySQL Database  if you have sed (for windows go to ) available you can run  sed -E 's/DEFINER=`[^`]+`@`[^`]+`/DEFINER=CURRENT_USER/g' yoursqlfile.sql > outputsqlfile.sql  otherwise you can use on your preferred text editor as vim, notepad++ or emeditor (good for large files of several Terabytes) and  do a search/replace. search string: DEFINER=`[^`]+`@`[^`]+` replace string: DEFINER=CURRENT_USER  You can also remove the definer (empty string) instead of using your current user.

fix - vqmod not working and no errors in the log files

How to fix vqmod for opencart not working and no errors in the log files. If you have errors files /vqmod/logs/*.log you just need to fix the errors in your xml modifications in /vqmod/xml. If you don't have any kind of modification and errors: make sure that you have the file vqmod_opencart.xml in /vqmod/xml.   - /vqmod/xml/vqmod_opencart.xml If it's missing download the version of your vqmod (you can check it in vqmod.php). Replace all the local relative paths to absolute in your config.php and admin/config.php. Make sure to delete all the .cache files in the /vqmod folder and the browser's cache. That's all

Free up space in magento and manually delete magento cache.

SQL queries to clean most of the log and extra data that is not mandatory. Don't use it if you need to debug problems or if you are exporting/importing data. TRUNCATE dataflow_batch_export; TRUNCATE dataflow_batch_import; TRUNCATE log_customer; TRUNCATE log_quote; TRUNCATE log_summary; TRUNCATE log_summary_type; TRUNCATE log_url; TRUNCATE log_url_info; TRUNCATE log_visitor; TRUNCATE log_visitor_info; TRUNCATE log_visitor_online; TRUNCATE report_viewed_product_index; TRUNCATE report_compared_product_index; TRUNCATE report_event; TRUNCATE index_event; TRUNCATE catalog_compare_item; Note: Not all the tables are available on versions before version 1.8 You can freely delete in the web root folder logs - var/log/* cache - var/cache/* reports - var/report/* exports (your exported data!!!) - var/export/*  session (also your current sessions - if they are saved in those files) - var/ssession/*  temp files (usualy the folder is empty) - var/tmp/*...

magento - Fatal error: Call to a member function toHtml() on a non-object in app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\System\Convert\Gui\Edit\Tabs.php on line 69

magento - Fatal error: Call to a member function toHtml() on a non-object in app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\System\Convert\Gui\Edit\Tabs.php on line 69 Solution check the integrity of this file app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\Catalog\Product\Helper\Form\Gallery.php and all the other files that can be missing Download a fresh copy of your own version of magento and replace eventual missing/corrupted files.

magento - fix Call to a member function addData() on a non-object wizardBlock->addData

Call to a member function addData() on a non-object wizardBlock->addData solution: check in app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\System\Convert\Gui\Edit if the "Tab" folder or the "upload.php", "view.php", "wizard.php" are missing or corrupted If all the files are there just  backup the (edit) folder and replace the files with a fresh copy downloaded from the magento website.

Opencart <= data leakage, path disclosure, sql tables disclosure, secure token id disclosure, man in the middle proof of concept, sql injection

http://localhost/ocit/index.php?route=module/banner you can see a simple Notice : Undefined index: banner_id http://localhost/ocit/index.php?route=module/bestseller you can see a simple   Notice : Undefined index: limit  http://localhost/ocit/index.php?route=module/carousel you can see a simple Notice : Undefined index: banner_id http://localhost/ocit/index.php?route=module/featured you can see a simple   Notice : Undefined index: limit http://localhost/ocit/index.php?route=module/gallery (non stock extension/module) you can see a simple Notice : Undefined index: filter_banner_id http://localhost/ocit/index.php?route=module/news (non stock extension/module) Notice : Error: Table 'test.oc_news' doesn't exist Error No: 1146 SELECT * FROM oc_news n LEFT JOIN oc_news_description nd ON n.news_id = nd.news_id WHERE nd.language_id = '2' AND n.status = '1' ORDER BY date_added DESC LIMIT 0,5 in system\library\db\mysqli.php on line 41   No...