Warning: vsprintf(): Too few arguments in /admin/controller/dashboard/activity.php on line 19 Backup before doing anything! The problem can be probably missing values in the data of the customer's activity or the table that is missing after an upgrade. You can look in your table and find the problem in a serialized (before value or convert the values (happens when upgrading to in a json readable format. If you just don't care about the activities data (it's not a big issue) you can truncate the table and accept all the new data. TRUNCATE TABLE `oc_customer_activity`; In the worst case you can recreate the customer_activity table DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `oc_customer_activity`; CREATE TABLE `oc_customer_activity` ( `activity_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `customer_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `key` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `data` text NOT NULL, `ip` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `date_added` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`activity_id`) ) ENGINE=M...