When you get this error while signing or listing the data from keystore the problem can be, as happened for me, that you have the wrong time set if compared to the keys in the store or you have generated a key with a lot of days (ex. -validity 1000000000).
Check the time/date settings on your system including bios (just to be sure that your time will be ok also after rebooting).
Create your keystore (backup anything if you don't know what you are doing) again with a common validity.
Usually it should be 365 or less but you can also use 3650 (10 years?).
Error keytool: java.security.cert.CertificateParsingException: java.io.IOException: Parse Generalized time, invalid offset
I am trying to upload new update for my Andorid APP after a year but now getting same this("java.security.cert.CertificateParsingException: java.io.IOException: Parse Generalized time, invalid format
ReplyDelete") kind of error can you please help me ...
you need to sign with a NEW key with a validity that is like 365 or 3650 (days)