With a bit of efforts with stuff that I'm not used to I solved the "puzzle" and it's possible to use bugs and misconfigurations to have, also thanks to public informations (not a bad thing), access to the local network.
archived error:http://archive.is/DRuA8
The error is related to this open source event management system
They are using shibboleth sso (single signon) federated identity management
Publicly available Information:
Info server http://www.lnf.infn.it/Calcolo/afs/
lxgw.lnf.infn.it (open via ssh to all users)
lxplus.lnf.infn.it (open via ssh only from LNF lan)
- info from mit.edu
Old informations from afs7.lnf.infn.it, afs1.lnf.infn.it, afs2.lnf.infn.it, afs3.lnf.infn.it
- Info servers (old - the servers are 10+): http://calcolo.lnf.infn.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=146&Itemid=602&lang=it
The LNF AFS cell is based on 7 server:
AFS0 - HP DL360 with Enterprise Linux - File server connected to EMC2 SAN
AFS1 - IBM H50 with AIX 5.3 - Authentication and File server (SSA Disk)
AFS2 - IBM B80 with AIX 5.3 - Authentication and File server (SSA Disk)
AFS3 - IBM H50 with AIX 5.3 - Authentication and File server (SSA Disk)
AFS4 - Dell 2550 with Enterprise Linux - File server connected to EMC2 SAN
AFS5 - HP DL360 with Enterprise Linux - File server connected to EMC2 SAN
AFS6 - HP DL360 with Enterprise Linux - File server connected to EMC2 SAN
AFS client machines managed by the Computing Service are:
axcalc (open to all users)
dxcalc (open to all users)
lxcalc (5 nodes, open to all users)
dxcf01 (groups e831, finuda, graal)
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